I want to train CrossFit but I've never tried it before and I'm not used to the type of exercises.
Do not worry! We will teach you the technique and everything you need to learn for proper training through our fundamentals course.
It's my first CrossFit session, what should I take with me?
We recommend training clothes that are comfortable (shorts and T-shirt) and maybe some warm clothes for after the session. You will need a bottle of water to replenish fluid during and after training. We also recommend shoes with a smooth sole better than normal running shoes.
Some other CrossFit boxes offer free training. Is there a test session at CrossFit Fuengirola?
At CrossFit Fuengirola we offer a free session for you to try and feel what CrossFit is. Click on the link to send us your request and book your class.
I want to train CrossFit and learn the technique but I'm not sure if I want to do intense workouts every day.
It is not a problem! That's why we have different offers starting from 2 sessions per week to unlimited. Check our rates section to see all the modalities.